How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (2025)

How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (1)


= Nihongo wo benkyou suru nara Maggie Sensei no saito dayo.

= If you want to study Japanese, you should use Maggie Sensei’s site.

Hi everyone!

Today I will teach you how to use なら ( = nara)
It is going to be a long lesson so please get a cup of coffee before you start reading this lesson.

OK, ready?

⭐️How to form:

* noun + (particle/conjunction+) なら ( = nara)

* adjective + なら ( = nara)

* verb plain form (present tense / past tense) + なら ( = nara)

When you emphasize, you add ( = no)

How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (2) *adjective + ( = no) + なら ( = nara)

How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (3) * verb plain form (present tense/ past tense) + ( = no) + なら ( = nara)

1) Emphasizing what comes before / Expressing one’s ability or characteristic showing your trust.

Ex. マギーならできるよ。

= Maggie nara dekiru yo.

= I believe you can do it, Maggie. / You can definitely do it, Maggie.

(Showing the speaker’s strong belief or trust.)

Ex. 「一人で生活するのは不安だなあ。」

= Hitori de seikatsu suru nowa fuan danaa.

= I feel uneasy about living on my own.


= Hana chan nara daijoubu dayo.

= You will be just fine, Hana-chan. (I know you will be fine.)

Ex. なら娘を任せても心配ない。

= Kare nara musume wo makasete mo shinpai nai.

= I believe he can take care of my daughter. (I trust him.)

Ex. あの店なら何を食べても美味しい。

= Ano mise nara nani wo tabete mo oishii.

= I know everything is delicious in that restaurant. (I trust that place.)

Ex. この車なら8人は乗れる。

= Kono kuruma nara hachinin wa noreru.

= This car can hold 8 passengers. (It is big enough.)

Ex. マギー先生ならなんでも答えてくれると思ったのに…。

= Maggie Sensei nara nandemo kotaete kureru to omotta noni…

= I thought you could answer any questions, Maggie…(but you can’t.) (I trusted her but..)

How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (4) From Maggie Sensei: Not true. Sorry! 😅

2) To emphasize or to give some condition.

(Note: You can replace it with (ん)だったら ( = (n) dattara) )

Ex. 100均ショップなら何でも買えるのに。

= Hyakkin shoppu nara nandemo kaeru noni.

= I would be able to buy anything if it were a dollar shop. (But not in this store.)

Ex. なら50%引きです。

= Ima nara gojuppaasento biki desu.

= If you buy it now, it will be 50 pct off.

(Emphasizing that it is cheap just now.)

Ex. 「小型犬なら飼ってもいいよ。」

= Kogataken nara katte mo iiyo.

= If it is a small dog, we can have one. (limiting the choice/giving a condition)

Ex. あと、2000円安くなるなら買います。

= Ato, nisen en yasuku naru nara kaimasu.

= If it goes down by 2,000 yen, I will buy it.

Ex. 「フレンチブルドッグなら欲しい。」

= Furenchi burudoggu nara hoshii.

= I only want a dog if it’s a French Bulldog.

Ex. 明日ならつきあってもいいよ。

= Ashita nara tsukiatte mo iiyo.

= I can go out with you if it is tomorrow.

Ex. 「ケーキをどうぞ。」

= Keiki wo douzo.

= Please have some cake.


= Amai mono wa taberaremasen ga, sukoshi nara…

= I don’t eat sweets, but if it is just a little…

Ex. この漢字なら読めます。

= Kono kanji nara yomemasu.

= I can read this kanji. (If it is this kanji, I can read it.)

Ex. Maggie: 「学校の宿題なら手伝いません。」

= Maggie: Gakkou no shukudai nara tetsudaimasen.

= (I will help you but) If it’s your school homework, I won’t help you.

Ex. こういう時、私ならお金を誰かから借ります。

= Kouiu toki, watashi nara okane wo dare ka kara karimasu.

= If it were me, I would borrow money from someone in that kind of situation.

3) To emphasize the topics. (If you are talking about ~ then..)

This usage is hard to translate…

You can emphasize the topics by using なら ( = nara)

Ex. ドギー大学なら知っています。

= Doggie daigaku nara shitte imasu.

= If you are talking about Doggie University, I do know that university.

= I do know Doggie University.

Ex. マギー先生なら会ったことがあります。

= Maggie sensei nara atta koto ga arimasu.

= (If you are talking about that Maggie Sensei, Yes!) I do have seen Maggie sensei.

Ex. 「お母さんはいますか?」

= Okaasan wa imasu ka?

= Is your mother there?


= Okaasan nara ima, ie ni inai desu.

= If you are looking for my mother, she is not home now.

= My mother is not home now.

Note: So we don’t always use なら ( = nara) in a conditional sentence.

For example, when someone asks you about something/someone and when you answer emphasizing what you are talking about, you use なら(= nara)


= Sumimasen. Kono hen ni konbini wa arimasuka?

= Excuse me. Is there a convenience store around here?

「 コンビニならあそこにありますよ。」

= Konbini nara asoko ni arimasuyo.

= If you are looking for a convenience store, it is right over there.

= The convenience store is right over there.

Ex. なら大丈夫。気にしないで。

= Watashi nara daijoubu. Ki ni shinaide.

= (If you are concerned about me,) I AM good. Don’t worry.

★ ~ + なら ( = nara) + noun: Giving a suggestion, recommending something showing one’s trust.

You will see this pattern in catchphrases.

Ex. 日本に行くなら京都

= Nihon ni iku nara Kyouto

= If you go to Japan, you should go visit Kyoto.

Ex. 東京に行くなら新幹線

= Toukyou ni iku nara shinkansen

= If you go to Tokyo, use the shinkansen (bullet train).

Ex. 友達と旅行に行くならハワイ、彼と旅行に行くならヨーロッパがいいな。

= Tomodachi to ryokou ni iku nara, hawai, kare to ryokou ni iku nara youroppa ga iina.

= If I go traveling with my friend(s), I would like to go to Hawaii. If I go traveling with my boyfriend, I would like to go to Europe.

Ex. 名古屋なら味噌カツ!

= Nagoya nara misokatsu!

= If you go to Nagoya, you have to try Misokatsu (pork cutlet topped with miso sauce)

(To understand this pattern better, you can add がいいです( = ga ii desu) = is preferable, ~をおすすめします。( = o osusume shimasu).)

From the picture above:

「日本語を勉強するならマギー先生のサイトだよ。」 !niconico!

= Nihongo wo benkyou suru nara Maggie Sensei no saito dayo.

= If you want to study Japanese, you should use Maggie Sensei’s site.

( “You should go visit Maggie Sensei’s site/ I highly recommend Maggie Sensei’s site.”)

3) Conditional sentence: If ~

verb + ( = no*) + なら ( = nara)

verb+ なら ( = nara)

adjective + ( = no*) + なら ( = nara)

noun + なら ( = nara)


*When you emphasize the meaning, you add ( = no)

*The following sentence of ~ なら( = nara) tends to be used for advice, suggestions, requests, etc.

*You can replace it with verb + のだったら ( = no dattara) / (casual) verb + んだったら( = ndattara)

*Sometimes you add ~ば ( = ba) →なら ( = ba) . It sounds a little more formal.

Check my

~ ば( = ba) lesson.

*Giving advice:

Ex. もし冬に日本に行くならコートを持っていった方がいいよ。

= Moshi fuyu ni nihon ni iku nara kooto wo motte itta hou ga iiyo.

= If you are going to Japan in winter, you should take a coat with you.

Note: You can’t replace 行くなら ( = ikunara) with 行ったら ( = ittara) here.

But you can replace it with 行くのだったら ( = iku no dattara) / (casual) 行くんだったら ( = ikun dattara)

Ex. 彼女とデートに行くならば、ディズニーランドよりディズニーシーの方がいいかもしれないよ。

= Kanojo to deeto ni iku naraba, dizunii rando yori dizunii shii no hou ga iikamo shirenaiyo.

= If you are going to take her out for a date, I think Disney Sea might be better than Disneyland.

Ex. そんなに暑いのなら上着を脱げばいいのに。

= Sonna ni atsui no nara uwagi wo nugeba iinoni.

= If you are that hot, why don’t you take off your jacket?

Ex. 忙しいなら断っていいよ。

= Isogashii nara kotowatte iiyo.

= If you are busy, you can decline.

*You can use it with a particle.

Ex. 彼女ならなんでも買ってあげたい。

= Kanojo ni nara nandemo katte agetai.

= I would buy anything (if it is) for her.

Ex. あなたのためなら何でもします。

= Anata no tame nara nandemo shimasu.

= I would do anything (if it is) for you.

Ex. コンサートが8時からなら間に合うんだけど。

= Konsaato ga hachiji kara nara maniaun dakedo.

=If the concert starts at eight, I would be able to make it./ I can make it.

Ex. までなら乗せてあげるよ。

= Eki made nara nosete ageru yo.

= I will give you a ride if you are going to the station.

* Giving a request

Ex. もし出かけるなら卵を買ってきて。

= Moshi dekakeru nara tamago wo katte kite.

= If you are going out, buy some eggs.

Ex. 答えを知っているのなら教えてよ。

= Kotae wo shitte iru no nara oshiete yo.

= If you know the answer, just tell me.

Ex. 困っているなら相談してください。

= Komatte iru nara soudan shite kudasai.

= If you are in trouble, talk to me. (consult with me.)

Ex. これ、食べないならもらってもいい?

= Kore, tabenai nara moratte mo ii?

= If you’re not going to eat this, can I have it?

* conclusion, decision

Ex. 明日、雨なら行きません。

= Ashita, ame nara ikimasen.

= If it rains tomorrow, I won’t go.

Ex. 結婚してくれないなら別れます。

= Kekkon shite kurenai nara wakaremasu.

= If you are not planning to marry me, I will break up with you.

Ex. 生まれてくる赤ちゃんが男の子なら、マギ男、女の子ならマギ子という名前をつけます。

= Umarete kuru akachan ga otoko no ko nara, Magio, onnanoko nara Magiko toiu namae wo tsukemasu.

= If my unborn baby is a boy, I will name him “Maggio” and if the baby is a girl, I will name her “Magiko”.

How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (5) The difference between なら ( = nara) and たら ( = tara)

Note 1)

a) マギーが出かけるなら私も行きます。

= Maggie ga dekakeru nara watashi mo ikimasu.

b) マギーが出かけたら私も行きます。

= Maggie ga dekaketara watashi mo ikimasu.

a) can be replaced with 出かけるのだったら ( = dekakeru no dattara) / ( casual) 出かけるんだったら ( = dekakerun dattara)

a) means “If you go out, I will go out with you, Maggie. / If Maggie goes out, I will go with her.”

b) means I will go out after Maggie leaves.”

Note 2): verb + ( = no) + なら ( = nara)

When you emphasize the condition of the verb, you add ( = no) before なら ( = nara) .


= Maggie ga dekakeru nara watashi mo ikimasu.



= Maggie ga dekakeru no nara watashi mo ikimasu.

★*past tense ~た ( = ta) + なら ( = nara): hypothetical usage: When you assume something. / to state something counterfactual

You can add ( = ba) to emphasize the feeling.

How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (6) なら( = naraba)

 (I will make a lesson on (=ba) sometime.)

Note: You can replace it with ~たら ( = tara)

Ex. もし父がここにいたなら)なんと言うだろう。

= Moshi chichi ga koko ni ita nara nanto iu darou.

= If my father were here, I wonder what he would say.

Ex. もしも祖父が生きていたなら私の結婚をきっと喜んでくれるだろう。

= Moshimo sofu ga ikite itanara watashi no kekkon wo kitto yorkon de kureru darou.

= If my grandfather were alive, I am sure he would be very happy for my marriage.

それなら ( = sorenara): If so, if that’s the case, then

Ex. 「天ぷらが食べたいんですか?それなら天喜がいいですよ。」

= Tenpura ga tabetain desuka? Sore nara tenki ga ii desu yo.

= So you want to eat tempura? Then I recommend Tenki.

Ex. 「それなら、今夜、行ってみます。」

= Sore nara, konya, itte mimasu.

= OK, then I will give it a try and go there tonight.

Ex. 「早く、行こうよ!時間がないんだから。」

= Hayaku, ikou yo! Jikan ga nain dakara.

= Hurry up! Let’s go!! We are running out of time.


= Sore nara tetsudatte yo.

= Then help me!

Ex. A: 「ハワイに行かない?」

= Hawai ni ikanai?

= Do you want to go to Hawaii?


= Sonna okane naiyo.

= I can’t afford it.


= Boku ga zenbu haratte ageru.

= I will pay everything for you.

B: 「それなら話は別!行く!行く!!」

= Sorenara hanashi wa betsu! Iku! Iku!!

= Then it’s a different story. I am definitely going!

Ex. 夫:「今から、会社の同僚を家に連れてくるから。」

= Otto: Imakara, kaisha no douryou wo ie ni tsurete kuru kara.

= Husband: I will take my coworkers home soon.


=Tsuma; Sorenara souto motto hayaku itte kurereba ii noni.

= Wife: You should have said so earlier.

*Colloquial usage:

We often start a sentence with なら ( = nara) in conversation.: If so, then,…

Ex. 「お茶がもうないよ。」

= Ocha ga mou naiyo.

= We are running out the tea already.


= Nara, watashi ga katte kuruyo.

= Then I will go get some.

Ex. 「ええっ、iPhoneが動かない。だから触るなって言ったのに。」

= Eeh, ai hon ga ugokanai. Dakara sawaruna tte itta noni.

= What? My iPhone is not working. That is why I told you not to touch it!


= Nara, shuuridai wo haraeba iin desho.

= OK, then I will pay for the repair cost. So that’s that!

Ex. ウェイター:「こちらのお料理はあと30分かかりますが。」

= Weitaa: Kochira no oryouri wa ato sanjuppun kakarimasu ga.

= Waiter: It will take another 30 minutes for this dish. (Is that OK?)

客: 「ああ、なら別のものを頼みます。」

= Aa, nara betsu no mono wo tanomimasu.

= Oh, then I will order something else.

How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (7)マギー先生より = Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


= Nekogo wa amari yoku wakarimasen ga, inugo nara omakase kudasai.

= I don’t understand “cat” language very well but you can count on me for “dog” language.


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How to use なら ( = nara) – Maggie Sensei (2025)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.