Highly Secretive C&A Brenninkmeijer Is A Global Powerhouse In Fashion Retailing (2024)

One of the most secretive companies in the world is the Dutch retailer C&A Brenninkmeijer. The company has 2,005 stores in 23 countries including the Americas andAsia, with its largest numbers in Europe. The company was founded in 1841 by brothers Clemens and August Brenninkmeijer. In 1861 the first store was opened in Sneek, Holland, a small town in northern Netherlands. Since the company does not want to release any figures to the Dutch government, in 2001 the operations of all countries were consolidated into Cofra Group, a holding company headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. Cofra also makes investments in real estate, private equity, and life sciences technology.

Regrettably, the company has never divulged information about its operation, revenues and profits. I have seen sales estimates of $10 billion with 50,000 associates for the C&A retail operation. I visited the company in the late 1980s and can confirm the philosophy of nondisclosure. I was met in a nearby hotel by management and very cordially given a corporate history book about the company’s activities. There was little I could learn from that.

There are some facts. The company promotes its management from within (no women until the late 1990s) and managing directors have to retire at the age of 50 since there are so many Brenninkmeijers that older members have to make room for younger people. The company is closely allied to the Catholic Church and has been a devoted supporter of the Church. As a matter of fact, Mother Theresa Brenninkmeijer was a prioress and later an abbess of a convent in Denmark from 1988 to 2011.

It is also reported that the Brenninkmeijer family is the richest family in the Netherlands. Albert Brenninkmeijer, born in 1974, married Princess Carolina of Bourbon-Parma, a cousin of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands in 2012. Not bad for a family that started as peddlers in the 1840s.

The company operates fashion retail stores with a network of stores in Europe, Brazil, Mexico and China.

AMERICAS: Brazil (318), Mexico (75)

ASIA: China (85)

EUROPE:Germany (486), France (161), Belgium (128), Holland (133). Austria (132), Spain (109), Switzerland (100), Poland (72), Czech Republic (41), Hungary (38), Portugal (35), Romania (32), Turkey (24), Croatia (17), Slovakia (15), Slovenia (14),Serbia (12), Russia (11), Italy (9), Luxembourg (8)

C&A is an interesting global retailer that serves families on a budget. Its professional and timely fashions are very appealing to families and the company prides itself on the quality of its products. In 2009 the company became the first global retailer to sell organic cotton garments. It can also boast that the singer Beyoncé developed a fashion line of clothing for the company.

Business seems to have slowed for the company in the past two years. While details are lacking, reports from the Far East indicate that recently C&A cancelled about 50% of their pending orders in Hong Kong. A reduction of orders of about 17% was experienced by manufacturers last year. This seems to confirm that the company is struggling in some countries, possibly in Germany, China and Russia. While I admire the assortment of fashion apparel, I have often wondered how were they competing with the super low prices at Primark, H&M and other promotional stores. That is especially true in children’s and young world departments.

The history of the company is complex. As the current chairman Maurice Brenninkmeijer indicated in a recent interview, the company is run and operated by owners and only children of owners can be active in the company. He conceded that until now only one young lady is training to be in the inner circle of the company. Before World War II the company claimed that since its founding no non-Aryan has ever been employed by the company. This was in response to Nazi demands. It probably held true in major departments even after the war, but it is my personal knowledge that the finance department (Brenca) had a Jewish investment officer. After World War II the company made restitution and changed its attitude.

The first stores in the United States opened in 1948. Major stores were opened in key cities. In New York the C&A headquarter store was on Fifth Avenue and 38th Street. In addition, in order to diversify, management bought some U.S. retailers including Eastern Mountain Sports, Steinbach, Ohrbach’s, Maurices, Miller’s Outpost, Upton’s and others. They were bought and owned by C&A through the American Retail Group (Amcena). The U.S. operation was shut down in early 2000. Canadian companies including Bretton department stores, Clark Shoes and Collacut luggage stores were also owned but then divested in 2005. Today C&A merchandise is available on Amazon.com.

The widespread network of stores is impressive and suggests further expansion is likely. I regret that there is a lack of factual information that could give an observer like myself more conviction that C&A has future growth.

Highly Secretive C&A Brenninkmeijer Is A Global Powerhouse In Fashion Retailing (2024)
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